25 March 2007

Inspiration -- how my foot reflects my changed life!

This is me, working on my blog. I'm in a contemplative mood. The inspiration for this work of art was Current TV. Terrific fun, I'm learning a lot of new stuff, much of it useless but, equally, most of it fascinating! The young: Keep your mind open to them, try new things. You may be embarassed and you certainly will lose your dignity but you might, just might, learn something about yourself.
Don't expect to keep your gravitas intact.
I recently went through what was, for me, a life-changing experience. I'm not going to write about it without more reflection but this silly little posting is one consequence: go in new directions, try new things. If something comes out that has even the smallest positive impact, the effort will have been worthwhile; the algorithm works because it's also fun for the writer and the algebraic relationship between fun and effort has never been equal. If the output is positive, the input is justified. There's even a universal balancing mechanism. If the effort begins to make the fun problematic, there's generally an automatic break mechanism and you point the energy in another direction.

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