Meantime, however, the wife, daughter and I are on a brief family holiday -- we wrestled with the guilt of plane travel but felt that the time with family was important enough to justify the carbon cost. So, herewith a few photos of the trip.

Coffee is a critical part of the start-up ritual. Many travellers, bereft of coffee, have no idea where they've been, where they're going or where they are! As you can see, I'm very centred.

You probably recognise us having a cup of centring coffee at a sidewalk place on Paternoster Square at St. Paul's. This is one of the world's great structures!

Tapas at one of Harrod's myriad (and expensive!) restaurants. The coffee was not as burnt as typcial Spanish coffee (I think the term is 'torrefacto').
There are other photos to share, many from locales you might consider more exotic. Consider this one, from the mysterious Orient:

Visiting family is always a pleasure. Here we're doing what so many Orientals do: talk about the next meal. Though there was no coffee, the tea was nice and packed a surprising caffeine punch!
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