10 June 2012

Last week we saw 'Men in Black 3' and this week 'Prometheus', on an IMAX screen in 3D. 'Men in Black 3' is by far the better movie. It is without weak spots, it is unpretentious, it is creative, the story-line is remarkable, it is involving and entertaining. 'Prometheus' is flawed, the director, Ridley Scott, tries to connect it to the Alien series which he also directed. He fails, the link is weak and contrived. Scott has attempted to explain away this failure by saying that the Prometheus story-line is only peripherally connected to Alien but is in it's own myth-stream. This doesn't really wash; the plot is still complicated and disconnected -- things happen which don't make sense and don't contribute to the story-line. In 'Men in Black 3' the story connects 'J's' childhood and K's early career -- J is Will Smith and K is Tommy Lee Jones in the older incarnation and Josh Brolin as the younger version. The story of J and K is woven together and is consistent with memories of the earlier episodes.

So, I recommend that you see 'MIB3' and give 'Prometheus' a miss.

Oh, there's another thing -- the heroine in 'Prometheus', a certain Noomi Rapace, is unappealing and the romantic episodes in the story which are designed to drive some of the plot are unconvincing and even slightly repulsive (it must be the camera-work but in one scene her legs look very stubby and unshapely; my wife leaned over to me during the film, the first time that Rapace was on screen, and suggested that she must be related to someone; there could be no other explanation for her appearance in the movie). There is no sex in MIB3 but it is a love story I believe: J and K share a strong, silent love as partners and, in the end, as a father-son paradigm; I found this hugely endearing - both Smith and Jones project an underlying warmth of real character that is more playing themselves than acting; John Wayne did this, Clint Eastwood does. Frankly, I like it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:MIB 3 and Prometheus

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